It was 25 years ago that we made the decision, as a family, to transition to organic dairy farming. We were motivated by our faith and desire to provide the healthiest environment for our family, our animals, our land, and our neighborhood and neighbors.
Since then, that desire has expanded to include all life on our farm - from the biology in the soil, to the birds in the sky, and all living life in between. We do that by observing, honoring, and protecting the natural processes of the rich ecosystem that surrounds us.
As America’s first certified regenerative dairy, we’re constantly learning how to “Do the Right Thing at Every Turn” while providing an example of organic, regenerative agriculture at scale. We then pass that education on to our team members (who work with all facets of life on our farm) through hands-on training and educational videos, and by updating protocols and procedures.
We prioritize transparency in everything we do, and work daily to comply with strict animal welfare standards in the areas of food, environment, management, healthcare, handling, and transportation.
Here’s a summary of what we’re doing to build a more healthy and humane food system. Please visit our farm where the Redwoods meet the sea in northern California to witness it for yourself!
Certified Humane
In addition to protecting the health and habitat of all living creatures on our farm, we comply with the third-party Certified Humane organization’s strict animal welfare standards (as outlined in the 67-page ‘Humane Farm Animal Care Welfare Standards for Dairy Cattle’).
Our animal welfare is certified by four organizations in all, including Validus, FARM, Certified Humane, and CCOF for the USDA National Organic Seal.
Building Biodiversity Above & Below Ground